Alex Cecchetti, Liz Magic Laser, Hanne Lippard, Jesper List Thomsen, Hagar Tenenbaum
3 February – 25 March 2017
Hand and Mind is an exhibition and series of performances testing connections between the realms of speech and gesture, curated by Vanessa Boni. Artists Alex Cecchetti, Liz Magic Laser, Hanne Lippard, Jesper List Thomsen and Hagar Tenenbaum *embody* language and thought. Through painting, sculpture, choreography and performance they unsettle political, personal and theoretical channels of communication.
3 February 2017, 6.30pm, 7.30pm, 8.15pm
Alex Cecchetti with Pauline Simon, Conversation of the Arrows, Grand Union (6.30pm & 8.15pm)
Conversation of the Arrows by Alex Cecchetti is a choreography for sorcerer’s apprentices, in which a dancer and a word-crafter fall into the trap of representation. They are doomed to chase each other represented as dogs, arrows, birds, stones, stars. For a moment, Cecchetti’s sculptures, become the spells that the apprentices cast against each other and the scenario for their labyrinthic roaming.